SC Space

your WORMHOLE to all thingS Star Citizen

Top YouTube Channels

The following YouTube Channels have been chosen due to the differing aspects to the Star Citizen Universe they cover and how well they cover them. This website determines those who make the list based upon a variety of criteria and occasional updates may occur are new channels are found to be deserving of being added to this list. After years of following these creators can assure the reader that these site have no conflicts of interest in their content. This is a key criteria to be included on this list as it gives the reader the most impartial view of the game they can achieve from cursory video watching.



Bored Gamer


Arguably, if you could only look at ONE YouTube Channel on Star Citizen Bored Gamer's Channel on Star Citizen would be it! With almost uncanny frequency this channel will give you the latest things related to Star Citizen, usually only an hour or two after the events have occured! 



- Incredible update frequency, rivaling CIG itself. You will never be left out of major developments.

- Very professional delivery with a voice made for radio.

- High production value.

- Always a source of inspiration during dark game times to see someone so emotionally invested in the game!



- A bit heavy on reading canned information from Star Citizen official releases with a very strong belief in the official 

   word of CIG. At least you are sure you will NOT be getting rumors or speculation!






Another made for radio voice delivering excellent Star Citizen information! Farrister specializes in ship reviews. If you want a full rundown on a ship, in a highly organized and logical format look for a Farrister video on the ship and you will not be disappointed! 



- High production value.

- Very professional delivery with a voice made for radio.

- Logical and unbiased reviews on ships.

- A complete treatment of ships covered. You will never leave a video with obivious doubts.



- Farrister can sometimes be like a barrister! You sometimes have to listen carefully to get the full impact of his 

  personal opinion on a ship as his very balanced treatment requires you to use your own judgement as well!






This is a much smaller channel than the other two but the player has been a long time Star Citizen  as well and gives slightly more critical commentary than the other two channels previously listed. We at believe that this balanced opionion on Star Citizen is important when making purchasing and playing decisions. This channel does in depth and detailed analysis of combat capabilities of ships such as shield strength, survivability and other such properties. Understanding these properties as they relate to a particular game build (version) is almost a necessity to get the most out of your gameplay time.



- High production value.

- Very professional delivery with insightful analysis.

- Logical, detailed and documented scientific observations of ship properties.



- Less videos available than some of the other more popular channels but if you find what you are looking for you

   are as good as gold!