SC Space

your WORMHOLE to all thingS Star Citizen

This is a Website Dedicated to the Star Citizen Universe

This website is dedicated to the Star Citizen Universe created by Chris Roberts and his affiliated brands . This website is in no way associated with Roberts Space Industries, Cloud Imperium Games or any of the brands associated with

Mr. Roberts.  All brands, trade marks and intellectual properties are controlled by their respective owner and any such items used on this site make use of nominative fair use to simply identify and describe the items, concepts and visualizations owned by the respective intellectual property holders.

The owner of this website is an original Star Citizen backer and wants to provide ancilary services to the game Universe created by the aforementioned entities. These services are limited to the interactions of players within the game Universe and their interaction with one another. No information, product or service offered on this website is in any way affiliated with respective intellectual property holders. 


Star Citizen and its related game Squadron 42 are in development and the Universe is currently in Alpha testing. All information provided on this website is subject to change as the game Universe changes and will be identified with the current build numbers associated with the Persistent Testing Universe (PTU) version they are valid for. This website makes no claims to the accuracy of the information provided and the user must agree that any losses suffered using this information is not the fault of the website, its owner or affiliates. In that vein the website will strive its utmost to provide timely and accurate information .